The Ministries of Mercy's Hope

Grace House

Grace House is a home which was created to care for, nurture and aide orphan and underprivileged girls as they transition from the government orphanage system or a difficult family environment to the reality of living on their own. Grace House provides assistance to orphan residents, orphanage graduates, underprivileged children and children in difficult family situations as they transition from a dependency based lifestyle to independent adulthood. Contact us for more information about Grace House page.



Community Food Distribution

Mercy’s Hope has established a program designed to help feed the needy, homeless and home-bound through the collection, preparation and distribution of general food items purchased locally in Ukraine. Our primary focus is to provide food and basic necessities to those shut-ins and families in the rural towns and villages who are in need. This is accomplished through gifts provided by USA sponsors. Please contact us for additional information about our Bags of Blessings




Mercy’s Hope scholarships are funds provided to meet individualized needs for specifically sponsored children. Mercy’s Hope has establish four types of scholarships. They are: Grace House scholarships, Hope Homes scholarships, Camp & Event scholarships and Student scholarships. To find out more about this ministry and ways to provide ongoing support to children and students in need, contact Mercy’s Hope by one of the ways listed on the Connect page.



Hope Homes

Mercy’s Hope helps to initiate and support Hope Home facilities which are families of up to ten children living under the care of house parents who provide love, guidance, nurturing and security to orphan children within a home environment. Ultimately it’s a home they can call their own. Until further notice, we have temporarily suspended this ministry expression.



Boxes & Bags of Blessings

The Boxes and Bags of Blessings program is a yearly outreach project which serves as a great way to share the redemptive love of Jesus Christ through an expression of kindness by gifting practical items of need. Through this Mercy’s Hope project, individuals, families and organizations have the opportunity to impact children and families in desperate situations in the country of Ukraine. God uses this act of kindness to show that there’s someone who cares and who prays for them. Until further notice, we have temporarily suspended this part of our ministry outreach.



Summer Camps

Mercy’s Hope sponsors exciting, high-energy summer camps at several locations including Kompas Park in the Cherkassy region of Ukraine. These week-long camp programs are provided to orphaned and underprivileged children from the Dnipropetrosvk region of Ukraine. These events provide those attending an unforgettable, life-changing experience through activities that demonstrate God’s love, acceptance and purpose. Until further notice, we are no longer sponsoring these events.



Mercy Ranch

Recently Mercy’s Hope has joined with a local church in Ukraine to sponsor a men’s home called Mercy Ranch. This ministry gives men hope through a redeemed life in Jesus Christ who have previously experienced the devastation, loss and tragedy of wrong choices. Located in a village outside Zhovti Vody, Mercy Ranch provides the helpless, homeless and rejected men of Ukraine a place of restoration and rehabilitation in a family type environment with the oversight of physical and spiritual guidance. To find out more about this ministry contact Mercy’s Hope by one of the ways listed on the Connect page.











Mercy's Hope

205 English Lane

Rainbow City, AL 35906


Mercy’s Hope is a non-profit corporation and is recognized by the United States Government as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization as well as residing as an official charity in Ukraine.
